Saturday, July 17, 2010

FC Herbivores' first meeting

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend Thursday's meeting! It was great to meet all of you and to see that there is support and interest for the ideas of the Fort Collins Herbivores in this community. We will advocate for a plant-based diet for the good of the environment, human health, and non-human animals.

For now, we will move forward with some simple events such as:
  • Documentary screenings
  • Adopt an Omnivore Program
  • Recipe Swap. Get started now. Post to our blog!
In the future we will look at larger endeavors including:
  1. Multi-week campaigns such as:
  • Addressing Hunger (Members of the community pledge to give up meat for one meal, one day, one week, etc. and FC Herbivores members donate an equivalent in vegetables to the Larimer Food bank).
  • Personal Health/ Weight Loss (Members of the community pledge to give up meat for one meal, one day, one week, etc. and FC Herbivores members calculate the calorie savings from each bit of meat substituted for vegetables).
  • Adopt a Farm Animal (Members of the community pledge to give up meat for one meal, one day, one week, etc. and, once the equivalent of a whole chicken, pig, or cow etc. has been spared, FC Herbivores members will "Adopt" said animal from an agreed upon sanctuary).
  • Save the Planet One Bite at a Time (Members of the community pledge to give up meat for one meal, one day, one week, etc. and FC Herbivores members calculate the CO2e emissions and water savings from their actions).
2. Speakers!
  • Vegan athletes
  • The Plant-Based Diet: Myth Versus Fact
  • Farmer Brown (
  • And More:)
3. Cooking Classes

Certainly more ideas and projects to come.

Thank you again to everyone who has shown support to make FC Herbivores a reality!

1 comment:

  1. Ironically, I couldn't make the first meeting because we have our own poultry sanctuary here, in North Fort Collins!
    If anyone can donate for their veterinary care, we absolutely need the assistance. Our hearts are larger than our wallets.
    I LOVE the community outreach, Lacey! Love, love, LOVE it.
    Several of us want to get Howard Lyman, aka the Mad Cowboy, to speak here in FoCo.
    I'm connected with Holly Tarry, the Colorado HSUS Director. In the past, the HSUS has funded booths for me at the New West Fest and Sustainable Living Fair. Now, the funds are tight, but if we can raise the money, Holly said we could use the HSUS's non-profit status for greatly reduced booth fees (the suslivfair was only $100 that way)
    ALSO...I've have been involved with the Localvore movement here, and have suggested to Hill Grimmett, the NoCo Food Incubator founder, to kindly put vegetarian/ vegan info in his monthly you may know, it is primarily flesh-oriented. We need to get your blog to him ASAP. I am not tech-saavy in this way, so you can be the go-to gal!
    Looking forward to participating.
